Professor Suryn

Prof. Suryn has continued teaching both the general and organic chemistry yearlong sequences, along with overseeing the general chemistry labs. During the AY 2020–2021 he taught for the first time an intensive version of the general chemistry sequence meant to better support our students coming to Gettysburg without a solid foundation in math and chemistry. The course has gone well and continues to be taught, with students actively requesting to join the four-day-a-week 8am class!  Prof. Suryn virtually attended the MAALACT and ISCC conferences in 2021 and was in-person for the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education in summer of 2022. He is excited to apply the pedagogy he learned to his general and organic chemistry courses! He also took over the laboratory preparation job in spring 2022 while Jeremy Kuhar was on parental leave. Most notably during this time he worked with Lisa Gregory to purchase new stirring hot plates for the CHEM 203 and 204 laboratories.

Photo of Prof. Suryn taken by Miranda Harple
Photo of Prof. Suryn holding office hours with a group of students.
Professor Suryn holding office hours with a group of students